Why Listen to Audiobooks Instead of the Radio?
Morning Radio is Garbage
Ever since I started driving back in high school, I’d turn on the radio to “rock out” before class, work, or whatever. I don’t know why it took so long for me to notice, or to care, that 50% of the time there was useless talk shows on in the morning. All they talked about was garbage gossip news and celebrities, then cut to a commercial before playing the same song you heard for the last three months.
About a year and a half ago, all that changed when I decided to listen to Audiobooks in the morning instead of the radio. It’s more productive start to the day and often gets me motivated to tackle the challenges ahead. But its much deeper than that.
Knowledge & Wisdom
Books are a great source of knowledge and wisdom on almost any subject, usually written by those at the top of their field. This wisdom comes from the minds of those who lived thousands of years ago, all the way up to present day. Unless your trying to colonize Mars or cure the latest disease, the issues your facing, have been solved by others, and the solutions are contained in books.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I still throw on the radio or bump some tunes from my phone at certain points. But you gotta ask yourself, why not stop listening to junk, turn your car ride (or subway ride) into an educational experience, and aim to become exceptional in every area of your life?
Where to Start?
For those who don’t know where to start, I created a list of books that I have read (or listened to) that I recommend. I’ll be updating and refining this list as time goes on, so stay tuned.